Looking for More Happiness in Your Life?
After living under the cloud of a pandemic, many of us now want to live life to the fullest; however, social scientists say our brains are wired for survival and happiness is not something that comes naturally. Too often and too many people get trapped in negative thinking and have a hard time finding joy.
Experts say there are things we can do to encourage positive thinking such as taking a few minutes, a couple of times a day, to focus on the things that make us happy. A good way to begin is to think about things we are grateful for and what makes us happy. Even during difficult situations, try to find the silver lining.
The Harvard Medical School reports on research that shows changes in our brains when we picture ourselves in a situation with people we like, or engage in an activity that gives us pleasure. “By actively imagining feelings of happiness or recalling happy experiences, you can help to encourage changes in your brain that will predispose you to creating more real-life joy in your daily experiences.”
Many social scientists say optimism is the key to happiness and you can become an optimist by reframing your situation more positively. Martin Seligman, PhD, writes about a study in which depressed people were told to write down three good things that happened to them each day for 15 days. The results of the simple exercise were impressive as ninety-four percent of participants reported a decrease in depression and ninety-two percent said their happiness level had increased.
Research has also found mindfulness, the act of being in the present, another path to happiness. Spending time multi-tasking, living on auto-pilot and caring for others as well as ourselves, we forget to focus on the here and now. Experts say practicing mindfulness can reduce stress and help us better manage our emotions and reactions, tune in to what is important and reject those things harmful to our wellbeing.
The MorningStar at Golden Ridge senior living community puts a premium on quality of life and helping seniors live life to the fullest. Along with a dedicated team committed to serving seniors, we provide the services, amenities, and wellness programs and activities to keep residents engaged and productive. Please visit our website to learn more about the area’s finest independent living, assisted living, memory care and respite care.